Trying my best to keep my eyes on Christ...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I'm gonna need new sandals...

“Are you sure you want to try this again?” “Can’t you at least ‘water-down’ your message a little? I really hate those floggings… and it’d be wonderful to NOT get kicked out of town for a change.” As I sat on the bus, riding through the Greek countryside a couple of years ago, I wondered if that could have been the ‘Silas’ side of a ‘Paul-Silas’ conversation; a conversation that had taken place as they walked, on foot, in very primitive sandals (no Clarks), along the long winding road from one Greek city to the next. Paul and his ministry associates hit the Macedonian shores and traveled from Philippi to Thessalonica on to Berea then the long road to Athens and Corinth. Yet, although the scenery changed there were a couple of constants. One, Paul continued to share the good news of Jesus Christ and two, people continued to be unhappy with Paul. Things started out poorly in Philippi. They were dragged into the marketplace, tried, stripped and beaten, thrown in jail and yet, in the middle of the night, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns. Of course, that’s what I would have been doing to… oh wait… maybe it’s not.
I’ve been to Philippi. I’ve seen a jail cell much like the one Paul and Silas were thrown into. Maybe the same one they were thrown into. It’s wasn’t a very ‘human-rights friendly’ cell. Actually it makes Alcatraz look like the Ritz-Carlton. It’s dark, cold, underground, full of all types of unidentified ‘creepy-crawlers’ and, the best part, the sewage drain-off was directed in a way that it ran directly through the cells. I’m sure the stench of raw sewage made a huge dent in the appetites of Paul and Silas as they were served there jailhouse cuisine. Excuse me, I’m feeling a little queasy myself.
So they’ve been dragged through the streets of Philippi, stripped and beaten and they got to spend a night in Philippi’s finest. So what now? Is it time for a huge pity-party? Is it time to rethink the ministry plan? Is it time to give up altogether? None of those options were the choice of Paul and Silas. Instead, at midnight, they began to pray and sing hymns. Wow! If this story stopped there that would be a HUGE display of faith and perseverance but, as you know, the story goes on. They get out of jail, tighten up their sandals and move on to the next stop on their whirlwind tour… same message, same result. That pattern repeats itself over and over again. I’m sure Paul was tired, I’m sure he was in pain, I’m sure he was hesitant from time to time but, he kept on doing what Jesus had called him to do… spreading the good news.
I truly believe, years later, as Paul sat in that Roman prison, awaiting his execution, he had not given up. He was planning his next tour-of-duty. His next letter was already a work in progress. He was in the middle of more than one ongoing conversation with other prisoners, trying to lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Despite all that he had been through, the jail time, the beatings, the ridicule, the shipwrecks, the stoning and the long, lonely and painful walks from one town to the next Paul never forgot his mission. And he always expected God to keep it going as long as He (God) decided. Paul never veered off course. He kept his eyes on Jesus and he continued to focus his mind’s attention and his heart’s affection on Christ.
Paul knew what his purpose was. Did he enjoy the beatings? Did he find comfort in those dark and putrid jail cells? Was he encouraged by the continued hatred he was shown? I think you know the answer to those questions… of course he didn’t. But, no matter what, he continued to forge ahead for the good of the Kingdom.
What’s in your way? We all have a calling. We’re all ministers - some of us at school, some at home, some at our jobs, some in bridge clubs, some at the mall, some of us in churches across the country. Will you continue to move ahead, 110% committed to the calling Christ has placed on your life? The road IS long. The beatings DO hurt. The discouragement WILL come. I hope I can be like Paul… I want to simply move ahead, focused on Christ… praying and singing even in the most difficult of circumstances.
The reward WILL be amazing!


Blogger k2 said...

WOW! that was so cool to read! i hope that i will be able to drop my lack of appreciation of the rejection i get when we trudge toward the prize.

it saddens me that i need things like this you have put in written form to slap me back into reality and back to what our purpose is. it is not going to be a bed of roses, there will be thorns.

i really liked the way you presented this. i will be back to read the rest of your posts. i got here from jd's blog: out here hope remains.


5:24 PM

Blogger Greg Morris said...

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8:21 AM

Blogger Greg Morris said...

Hey Kenny!
Thanks for your comments!
Don't feel bad... about the 'needing to be slapped back into reality' thing... I write, speak and teach so that I, myself, can regularly be slapped back into reality. I think we all need a huge slice of 'reality pie' from time to time; myself... MUCH more often than others. It's not a cake walk out there and it took me a long time to realize that God is teaching me something right smack in the middle of EACH AND EVERY trial I endure. In the midst of those trails I think it will serve each of us well to remember the struggles of those heroes of the faith who've gone before us... and, in the middle of that BAD DAY, BAD WEEK or even BAD MONTH, remember the words of James, "Consider it pure joy".... God always wants to help us grow. We just need to be willing to allow him!
Again, Thanks for your words... a huge encouragement!

8:24 AM


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