Let's heat it up...
If there’s one thing I can’t stand, its lukewarm coffee. I like my coffee hot. I always laugh at the warning messages on the paper coffee cups. You know the messages I’m talking about, “Warning – Contents may be hot.” I always want to say, in a very calm voice, “Oh really?” Then, in a very loud and matter-of-fact voice, say, “IT’S COFFEE – ITS SUPPOSED TO BE HOT!”
I just walked back into my office a few minutes ago. I didn’t think I had been gone very long. Apparently I’d been gone longer than I thought. When I walked back into my office there was my cup of coffee on my desk. I picked up my cup took a sizeable swig and almost spewed the coffee out of my mouth… it was lukewarm and, as I’ve already mentioned, I’m not very fond of lukewarm coffee.
As I poured myself a fresh, HOT cup of coffee, I thought about the words of Jesus in the book of Revelation. “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16) As I thought about the nauseatingly lukewarm coffee I had experienced earlier I reflected on my life – on my walk with Christ. Am I hot – on fire for God? Does my passion glow like a red hot ember in a roaring fireplace or am I more like that cup of lukewarm coffee? I know there have been times in my life when I have truly been on fire for God. There have been those times when the pursuit of Jesus Christ consumed every fiber of my being. There have been those times when I have sought Jesus with all my soul, mind and strength. There have been those days, in my life, when I, like the Psalmist, I have meditated on God’s Word night and day. There have certainly been days when I have been ON FIRE for God. As I continued to think I realized that in addition to those ‘on fire’ days there have also been more than a few ‘lukewarm’ days. There have been days (more than I’d like to admit) when the words I have spoken have said ‘Jesus’ but my heart was in a different zip code. There have been days when, as I rolled out of the bed, ministry began and later that evening, as I slid between the sheets, ministry was still on my mind. Yet, even during those ministry filled days I have often failed to stop, even once, to say hello to Jesus. During many of those ‘busy’ days, there was a lot time spent in God’s Word but usually, even that time was more academic oriented than “God and me” relationship oriented. How saddened Jesus must have been on those days. How much he must have wanted to spit me out like a big gulp of lukewarm coffee.
The late John Wesley once said, “Get on fire for God and men will come to see you burn.” Being ‘on fire’ for God is a choice. It isn’t our natural inclination. If we simply allow our lives to drive themselves naturally we will usually find ourselves drifting toward self-fulfillment and personal gratification instead of, headed full steam, toward honoring God and lifting up Jesus. We may still try to keep up with our life of ‘Christian busyness” but we will begin to allow the relationship gap between ourselves and Christ to grow larger and larger. We will become lukewarm. Lukewarm is not good. God likes His children hot – he likes His children on fire – on fire for Him! What if, in the Body of Christ, even 50% of us were on fire, I mean REALLY ‘on fire’ for God. What would the world look like? I’d love to find out.
While I’ve been sitting here and writing this blog my, coffee has gotten lukewarm again. I don’t know about you but I’m going to go heat up my coffee and then I’m going to try my best to get focused – to get focused on ‘being on fire’ – being on fire for God. WE'RE CHILDREN OF GOD, WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE HOT!
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. " (Matthew 5:16)
It's easy to think that getting on fire for God is done by cheerleading, rah rah, go-get-em, kind of stuff.
In the quiet times of prayer, solitude, meditation on the Word, the flame of God grows brighter because it depends on Him.
Lukewarm ... I think there are a lot of Christians who have passed that and are plain cold. But let's try to teach them ... and keep ourselves aflame also. Good post, Greg.
9:08 AM
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